The following information from the Health and Safety Executive, CEDA, GAS SAFE and BSI offers guidence and advice and is available to download in pdf format.
HSE Precautions at manually ignited gas-fired catering equipment
HSE Ventilation of kitchens in catering establishments
HSE Gas safety in catering and hospitality
GAS SAFE Application of interlock devices in commercial catering
GAS SAFE Engineer’s Guide to relevant sections of IGEM/UP/19 in catering
BSI Gas industry unsafe situation procedure
BSI Flame failure protection on new and previously used-gas catering equipment
BSI Amendments to bs6172-2010 and the use of bs-en-14800-cooker-hoses
CEDA Recommended standard for kitchen ventilation
CEDA What the gas regulations say about maintenance
CEDA Measuring CO2 levels
CEDA Earth Bonding in Commercial Kitchens Guidance document August 2013
CEDA Testing Override Thermostats on Commercial Fryers
CEDA Update on the changes to the F Gas Regulations
CEDA Grease build up in kitchen ventilation
British Water FOG Code of Practice